College Scholarships for High School Seniors

College Scholarships for High School
There are many college scholarships for high school seniors offered and they are one of the most abundant in terms of student aid. For seniors looking for student financial aid, college high school senior scholarships come in many fields of study. Seniors graduating from high school need to start looking how they can get their college paid for either through college grants, scholarships or even work study programs so when they leave for college they can just concentrate on excelling in their college classes.
Scholarships for high school seniors are much more common than other groups simply because there are more student aid programs directed at first time students attending college. School are in competition with one another to lure students to their campus so they can increase their enrollments and thrive. Little or no students result in school closings so the financial aids office’s in all college’s take this fact very seriously.
While other high school students may have access to a fair range of programs, many scholarships are designed with seniors specifically in mind. Across the gamut there are national, regional and local programs, and colleges offer their own scholarships for high school seniors to their newly incoming freshmen. They are comprised of entrance type scholarships, community service oriented scholarships, need based scholarships and grants and a slew of other types of financial aid to help students attend their university for the next four years or more.
Now is the time for seniors to have an assessment of your areas of interest and strength so you can easily target scholarship programs which will give you a strong chance of getting access to financial aid. Especially important at this stage are scholarships for seniors who have not yet received any kind of financial assistance as of yet, or have not even begun looking for student aid programs. These students will need to speedily ramp up your applications and start trying to get money where ever it is offered, even government no cosigner student loan programs if none of the above talked about options are won.
Students who are currently in their last year of high school may qualify for a variety of different college high school senior scholarships. These senior scholarships are a great way for seniors in high school interested in attending college to fund their educational pursuits. The real trick is to make the time and apply to all which you feel there is a reasonable chance of winning the award. Below you will find high school senior scholarships with more then one yearly award being offered. These are the ones to target first!
SunTrust Off To College Sweepstakes Scholarship for High School Seniors
This program offers seniors a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship. One winner will be selected every two weeks beginning in October. Students do not need to demonstrate a particular GPA or even a financial need in order to qualify for the high school senior scholarships. The program ends in May of 2012. A total of 15 winners will be selected. Everyone should apply to this program!
US Bank Internet Scholarship Program for High School Seniors
A total of 40 $1000 scholarships will be given starting in October through March. Applications can be submitted starting on October 1, 2011. There is no minimum GPA required to apply and applicants are not required to submit an essay to apply for this scholarship. Here’s another program which all seniors in high school must apply to!
Susan G. Komen College Scholarship for High School Senior Students
These HS senior scholarship awards are meant to assist college students who will face tremendous financial burdens as a result of losing a parent or guardian to breast cancer or because of receiving a breast cancer diagnosis on their own. The scholarship awards are worth $10,000 per year for a period of up to four years for students to attend a state college or university while pursuing a bachelor’s degree. The deadline to apply is November 15th.
Ron Brown Scholars African American Scholarships for High School Seniors
This program awards African-American high school seniors who have demonstrated the ability to excel in academics and who demonstrate exceptional potential for leadership, are involved in community service projects and who have a financial need. The high school scholarship awards $10,000 per year for up to four years. The deadline to apply is November 1st.
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Contest
This senior high school scholarship awards students who excel academically but who have also demonstrated excellence in community service, employment, extra-curricular activities and leadership. Applicants must also demonstrate a financial need to be eligible for the scholarship. The deadline to apply is December 1st.
Hispanic Scholarship for High School Seniors
More than 4,000 scholarships will be awarded for students who are legal permanent residents or legal citizens with plans to attend college and who have a cumulative 3.0 GPA. The deadline to apply is December 15th.
Gates Millenium Minority Scholarship for Seniors in High School
This high school senior scholarship is intended to cover any expenses that are not met in the college education of a student. To be eligible, students must be African-American, Asian Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaska Native or Hispanic American and must also be a legal permanent resident, national or a citizen of the United States. Applicants are further required to have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and have plans to enroll in a U.S. accredited university or college as a full-time student. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate involvement in extra-curricular activities or community service as well as demonstrate eligibility for the Pell Grant. The deadline for the application is January 11, 2012.
Burger King Scholars Program for High School Seniors
This scholarship program is for students who have excelled academically while holding down a part-time job. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is January 10th, 2012. Applications are only available through November 15th of every year.
These are just a few of the thousands of high school senior scholarships being offered today but are great ones to apply too. Remember look for the highest number of awards given out annually and apply to those firstly. You have a much better chance of winning then if only one yearly scholarship is granted out.
[…] it’s never too early to apply. Scholarships for high school juniors are not as plentiful as senior high school college scholarships, but there are many good ones to consider like the ones above. Share […]
[…] sophomore scholarships are a great way to do it with the competition not being as stiff like the high school senior scholarships are. The awards on some may be low but the number of students going after them will also be low as […]