Private High School Scholarships
Private high school scholarships are available in most areas, but you must know where to look for them. It’s without a dought a nice way to help make expensive schools much more affordable. For some people they are necessary, otherwise their children will have to attend the local public schools which in many cases may not be bad at all. There are sholarships for private high schools for students from different backgrounds obtainable to those interested families which will make attending affordable. Families which have heavey financial burdens, or may have legal issues, or are in a minority demographic may find a great number of private high school scholarshipspossible to them. Students outside of those areas will also find financial aid handy, because there are different organizations willing to provide assistance.
Some student aid may comes from national organizations, but much comes from groups which specifically work to provide student aid for a chosen school or a collection of institutions. Parents of students getting ready to attend private high school should talk with the institution they are applying to so as to find out what types of financial aid they can quaify for. Sometimes non-profit entities work with helping to provide financial student assistance for those in need. Below are some examples of this and there may be ‘like’ organizations in your immediate area to consult with on getting the same type of high school financial assistance needed to attend your private high school of choice.
Rhode Islanders Sponsoring Education is an organization dedicated to providing financial assistance to students in need of private high school scholarships. Students getting a scholarship from this organization will be able to access up to $3,500 in a single year and can also be provided with mentoring services to ensure strong progress through their school. Additional amounts of $2,500 can be awarded through the Scholars program. Parents should contact the organization for deadline information and additional requirements.
Students in the Chicago area will be able to apply to the Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund. Amounts will depend varying on where a student is going to school and how much aid they are determined to need. All applicants must be going to a private high school and live in either Chicago or a surrounding suburb. Applications must be submitted no later than May 13.
The Latino Student Fund provides an immense amount of money every year in the form of scholarships for private high schools to help minority families be able to afford elementary and secondary education. Students can be entering school at any level from pre-kindergarten to grade 12. Pre-k to 5th graders will receive $500, 6-8th graders $1,000 and high schoolers will be eligible for $1,500. Applicants must be of Latino descent, have a strong academic record, and be attending a school supported by the Latino Student Fund. Applications open in the middle of January every year.
Students in the Boston area will be able to apply for private high school scholarships through the Catholic Schools Foundation which is linked directly to the Archdiocese of Boston. Funding amounts will vary school to school and are based on overall tuition costs in combination with financial need. Students who are attending or planning to attend a Catholic school in Boston area will be eligible to apply. As deadlines will also vary school to school, parents should contact their child’s school’s principle for more information.
Philadelphia based White-Williams Scholars program gives out private high school scholarships to students who meet their eligibility requirements. All applicants will need to be residents of Philadelphia, be in high school, live in a single parent home, and be able to demonstrate financial need. Awards of $1,500 are generally given out and all applications should be turned in during the spring of an upcoming academic year.
Private High School Scholarships Tip
Look for similar organizations in your area which you can contact to inquire into student aid for attending a private high school for your son/daughter. Many of these sponsors have many chapters throughout the country and are named slightly different but do the same types of things within them.